Offer Internships
Host 5 or more students for 9 weeks by offering paid summer internships to BLACKS’ students. Businesses can also help by offering paid internships to students Mondays-Fridays after school for up to 2.5 hours a day during the school year. These will be internship opportunities for students who are 14+ years old. Contact for more information.
Donate To The Work BLACKS Is Doing
BLACKS is a nonprofit which has a 501(c)3 designation from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): EIN—92-3777112/Your donations are tax deductible.
Mail checks to: BLACKS, 4736 Royal Avenue, Suite 129, Eugene, Oregon 97402
Black/BIPOC Businesses/Organizations
Host students for 40-80 hours of community service a year. Students will do community service with your organization and/or event. This will give students an opportunity to see Black leaders leading in Lane County. It is important for Black students to know that there are Black people doing great things and taking the lead in Lane County. This will also help students see themselves as leaders and encourage them that they can do the same. An opportunity of this sort will also give students a chance to give back to the community at large and recognize the importance of community and giving back. Contact for more information.
Become a Volunteer Supporter
You can become a volunteer to attend events students participate in to cheer them on and be there to support student efforts in life. It is essential that students feel supported in life. When youth do not feel supported, they are more apt to look for support in negative activities. BLACKS support system will be set up in a way that students can request support when they have important events that they participate in or things that they have accomplished. Contact for more information.
Become a Volunteer Mentor
Volunteer to be a mentor to help students meet their life goals. You will be an encourager to students assuring them that they can meet their goals. You will also give them counsel on things you have learned about how to meet goals, set priorities, and persevere in challenging times. Contact for more information.
Become a Sponsor of BLACKS
Will you commit to Bronze, Silver, or Gold sponsorship to help BLACKS achieve its’ goal of serving this unique population? Depending on your level of support, your logo will be displayed on our sponsor page and/or each page of our website, and sponsors will also receive a letter from a student in our program telling about their experience in BLACKS twice a year. BLACKS is a nonprofit which has a 501(c)3 designation from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): EIN—92-3777112/Your sponsorship is tax deductible.
Mail checks to: BLACKS, 4736 Royal Avenue, Suite 129, Eugene, Oregon 97402